The Best Dog Clippers for Shih Tzu – Tips You Need to Know to Perfectly Groom Shih Tzu

Best Dog Clippers for Shih Tzu

Dogs have always been coined as "the man's best friend." True enough, their love and affection to humans have always been incomparable!

Take the case of Shih Tzu! This breed has been one of the favorites not only for their adorable appearance but also for their lively and friendly personality.

The gorgeous and long coat of Shih Tzus has been their distinguishing feature which significantly contributes to their popularity. However, this type of coating requires a lot of maintenance to the point that they need to be brushed daily, bathed frequently, and clipped regularly.

To address the problem, some dog owners tend to keep the coat short to reduce the amount of maintenance needed, thus losing the silky appearance of Shih Tzus.

Others are taking the cheaper alternative, which is grooming them at home.

Well then, if you decide to push through home grooming, a high-quality hair clipper is needed to get the job done! Keep on reading as we unfold some useful tips and helpful guides in choosing the best dog clippers for Shih Tzu.

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The Best Dog Clippers for Poodles: Tools and Tips on How to Groom Poodles

best dog clippers for poodles

For dog owners like me, dog grooming has become a necessity. I see to it that my dogs are correctly cleaned and well-groomed to keep them comfortable and stylish.

At times, when there is enough budget, I would bring them to grooming centers for professional services. However, when saving money is a priority, grooming the pets at home is the best option.

Home grooming requires the use of high-quality clippers to effectively and safely carry out the task. Canine hair tends to be thicker, requiring stronger tools and more powerful motor for cutting. Human clippers are not strong enough to cut dog hair while scissors are dangerous and also slow.

With this, dog clippers are highly recommended to groom your dogs at home successfully. However, not all clippers are created equal. You must select the one that is suitable for your dog - especially its breed. Plus, as an added factor, the durability and efficiency of these valuable tools should also be considered.

To guide you and help you in making the right decision, I've listed the best dog clippers for poodles on the market today. Let's have a look first at the essential pointers to consider when choosing a dog clipper for poodles.

Make Wise Decisions for the Best Puppy Shampoo in the Market

best puppy shampoo

Bathing your newly adopted puppy is necessary, as well as risky too if he is too young. So always consider buying the best puppy shampoo for your pup. Also, buy the recommended product for the good of your pet as we do not want to see them harmed in any way.

For every pet owner, it is essential to them for taking care of their new puppy. If you got it for the first time, then you’re going through the phase in which you want to make sure that your puppy is happy and looking good. You will have to take care of your puppy in any condition no matter what it takes.

The Best Cordless Dog Clippers That Will Work For You!

best cordless dog clippers

"Corded" or "cordless" dog clippers? Some of you may find it hard to decide! Relax, this is rather an easy question, especially when you are after flexibility and ease of use!

With these factors in mind, I suggest that the cordless type will work best for you. Why? Simply because they are equipped with robust construction yet still come in sleek designs, making them more efficient and portable to use.

Trust me when I say that the real decision-making comes with choosing the best cordless unit since there are plenty of brands and styles available for grabs!

But don't be left out or even feel the burden! As we've listed the best cordless dog clippers that are making its wave in the current market. Check out the product reviews as well as helpful tips to guide you in making a better judgment for your dog grooming tool hunt!

Never Miss These Affordable Best Dog Nail Grinders in 2024

best dog nail grinders

Dog nail grinders are the essential tools, which are used for shaping, grinding and clipping dog’s toenails. They are must-have tools for pet owners and grooming professionals. These dog nail grinders require less precision and time than traditional nail clippers, which makes the best dog nail grinders provide more benefits.

How to Choose the Best Brush for Husky Dogs

best brush for husky

Huskies are a very well known large breed dog. They have thick and fluffy fur which means that they require regular grooming. That’s why it’s essential for an owner to buy the best brush for husky dogs or the best de-shedding tool for their husky.

The following guide will discuss tips for grooming your husky and which care tool you should choose.

5 of The Best Retractable Dog Gates and How to Choose One

retractable dog gates

Retractable dog gates are one of the most useful contraptions that you can buy if you have a dog. They are perfect for keeping your dog (and any fragile objects) safe in your home.

Before we review five of the best retractable dog gates in 2024, let’s discuss what you should consider when buying one.

To decide which gate you want, you should ask yourself what you need the gate for.

5 Of The Best Dewormers For Dogs and What You Need to Know About Them

Best Dewormers For Dogs

Worms are parasites that could frequently infect your dogs. These nasty critters come in a variety of types and as such can negatively affect Fido in a number of ways. Getting rid of worms is an essential part of taking care of any of your pets. That’s why I am now going to show you 5 of the best dewormers for dogs.

The Best Andis Dog Clippers of 2023: Do NOT Buy Before Reading This!

andis dog clippers

To be able to save money, most dog owners take grooming into their own hands. However, the problem with DIY grooming is that not all are good enough to do it.

Good thing, Andis dog clippers are here to save the day!

These tools can help hedge your bet allowing you to look like a pro groomer in no time. The versatility and durability of the Andis clippers will enable you to handle every job requirement, such as touching up spots or doing the entire coat.

While the best brand is still debated among groomers, there is probably no doubt that Andis produces some of the top-notch quality of dog clippers.

Read on to find out the fantastic range of products that Andis clippers offer as well as the unbelievable job that they do, whether you are a professional or a home amateur groomer.

The Best Dog Clippers: The Top 10 of 2023

best dog clippers

So you are interested in styling your dog’s hair?

Or perhaps it’s summertime, and your poodle needs a short-trim to help him/her to keep cool?

Either way, the first thing you need to do is choose the right dog grooming clippers to get the job done. Dog clippers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, so you have many choices.

In this guide and review, you will read about the advantages and disadvantages and how to choose the best dog clippers for your pup. Whether your dog is large, small, fluffy, or short-haired, this guide will teach you how to make the right choice for your budget. You will learn to navigate “dog clippers jargon” and how to select dog clippers that are powerful, yet not so loud to disturb your dog.

Some prefer cordless, others the more traditional corded dog clippers, and in this guide, the best 10 dog clippers of 2024 are reviewed to help you make the right choice.

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