Milk is the first source of food that every mammal consumes after birth, including us. Most animals, like dogs and cats, could drink milk as their only source of food after being born, but only until they are big enough to eat solid foods.
Dairy products, including cow's milk, are said to upset the stomach of your dog. As puppies age, they lose lactase enzyme that helps break down lactose.
If our furry friends can't have cow's milk, how about those that are produced from nuts like almonds? Would it be okay?
Let's find out.
Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

Okay, so can dogs consume almond milk?
So to help ease every pet owner's mind, the answer is yes as long as your pet is not allergic to it. Dogs can drink almond milk, BUT you can only feed them in moderate amounts.
Almond milk is high in calories, and it lacks the nutrients of what your pet needs, drinking a significant amount can cause your pet to have problems in their gastrointestinal like diarrhea, vomiting, and spasm.
Making your pet drink small amount could not only prevent these complications, but it would also help you know if your dearest pet would like the milk or not.
Like any other foods, always proceed with caution especially if your dog consumes it for the first time.
How About for Puppies?
NO, puppies could drink a cow's milk but not almond. However, a puppy shouldn't wean on a cow's milk. Just let it naturally raises with the mother dog's milk.
If the mother doesn't produce enough, then feed the puppy with unique puppy formula. If you have a pup, never feed it with almond milk.
Puppies would most likely love the sweet, creamy taste of almond, but that doesn't mean that it's the best milk for them.
Like I said earlier if your pet consumes a lot of almond milk it could cause gastrointestinal problems.
Sweetened Almond Milk
If you ever think about letting your pet drink almond, then make sure that it is 100% organic and unsweetened. Some almond milk products are sweetened with xylitol which is very poisonous to dogs.
Aside from sweetened milk, chocolate flavored almond milk and those with raisins also toxic to them. Don't feed your pet with those.
Some products will say that it is unsweetened when the truth is it is filled with additives and lots of fillers. It'll be better if you don't buy almond products or make your homemade almond milk.
What Benefits Could Your Dog Gain From Almond Milk?

Honestly, there is none. For us humans, drinking fortified almond milk will provide us with Vitamin B12, Calcium, and Vitamin D. For dogs, they won't get any nutritional value from it. Almond milk is just empty calories for pets.
Our pet needs different nutrients in different amounts. The same way as what we, people need.
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give Your Dog an Almond Milk
Here are other reasons why almond milk is not a good choice of food for your dog:
1. The Price
Pet owners like you, all know that owning a dog costs a lot. The food, the grooming, the regular checkups, prevention of tick and flea, the health insurance, pet toys, and so on.
They are as costly as having kids, but let's get real, we want the best things for our beloved pet even if it cost us a lot.
If you add almond milk on the dog's diet, then that means it's another additional expense. Almond milk can cost less than $10 per liter in most supermarkets.
Since it's expensive, some people make their milk. Instead, they'll buy at least 1 pound of almond nuts, blend or grind the nuts, adds water, and then strain it.
Almond milk that is homemade may save you tons, but it's still not a good idea to share it with your dog.
2. Nuts and Milk are Not a Part of their Diet
Newborn puppies do drink milk from their mothers, but only for a short amount of time. Dogs and puppies could drink milk but only occasionally as a treat.
Almond milk is lactose-free, but still, nuts are still not part of a dog's diet.
3. It may Contain Harmful Ingredients
Some almond milk products that are sold in stores do not even contain at least 50% of almond milk, and some are mostly filled with lots of additives and sugars.
Some are also flavored with vanilla, raisins, or chocolates to make it taste better.
Here Are Few of the Ingredients That Could Be Harmful to Your Pet

1. Xylitol
Xylitol is often used as an alternative sweetener of sugar. It can be toxic to dogs because it goes into their bloodstream and releases insulin from the pancreas.
It could quickly decrease their blood sugar in just 10 minutes and could kill them.
2. Gums
Some food manufacturers use certain gums like gellan, locust bean, and guar gums as thickeners.
This is safe for dogs but could cause diarrhea.
3. Carrageenan
This Ingredient is derived from seaweeds and also used as a thickener in specific products. This additive could cause gastrointestinal inflammation, and when prolonged, it could cause cancer.
Aside from almond milk that contains raisins and chocolates, you should also look out for these ingredients that can be harmful to your furry friend. It is safe for us people, but not for animals
So as an answer to the earlier question, can dogs have almond milk? Yes, they can, but only for adult dogs and should occasionally be given.
Goat milk and lactose-free milk are also good substitutes, but shouldn't become a dog's regular diet.
The recommended amount of almond milk you could feed your dog with is 1 or half cup a week only.
However, if your pet vomited or had diarrhea after drinking some, then do not continue and take your pet to the vet.
If you have some questions in your mind, feel free to send us a message.

Hey there, I’m Ruby Smith, founder of Pet So Fun, and I’m here to provide you with useful information about your precious pet. All pets deserve the best care, don’t they? But not all pet owners have access to the right products and tips for their pets. And the central core of my work here is to change that.