If you’re fond of seafood, then there’s nothing wrong in wondering if your dog can savor it too. When it comes to fresh shrimp, every devoted seafood lover likes to devour it with cocktail sauce or drizzle it with lemon. And here’s something you probably don’t know; dogs love shrimp too. But can dogs eat shrimp?
What I’m going to do in the article is tell you all about feeding shrimp to dogs. Are they safe for consumption? Do they have to be raw or cooked? What are some of the typical dog shrimp allergy symptoms?
So if these are the questions popping up in your head whenever you think of feeding your dog shrimps, then please continue reading. There’s a lot to find out!
Shrimp Is Nutritious for Dogs

Photo credit: mypettingzoo.com
When you think of shrimp, what comes to mind first? The fact that they are tasty, right? But that’s not it. We all know that seafood is highly nutritious, isn’t it? It contains antioxidants, phosphorus, niacin, and Vitamin B12.
Do you know what Vitamin B12 does? It can improve your metabolism, thus enhancing gastrointestinal health. And this doesn’t only apply to humans but dogs too.
Then there’s niacin, also called Vitamin B3 (vitamins in shrimp), which is essential for proper functioning of the enzymes. It also contributes to boosting energy production, chemical signals, blood circulation, and fat production.
Now comes phosphorus that has the ability to reduce aging of the brain. It even promotes bone health and provides the body with antioxidants. The latter is useful for fighting free radicals, thus preventing cancer.
So these are the many health benefits of shrimp that apply to both humans and dogs. You should also know that shrimps don’t have a high content of carbohydrates, calories, and fat. But they do contain a high level of cholesterol. And this means that the consumption of shrimps should be limited.
After all, everything is moderation is a good idea, isn’t it?
My Dog Ate Raw Shrimp
Now that you know the answer to “can dogs eat shrimp?” it’s time to find out more. Can they eat raw, uncooked shrimp? The answer is no. And that’s because fresh shrimp contain harmful pathogens. So why feed raw prawns to your dog when you can easily avoid doing such a thing by cooking them!
Also, when you’re cooking those shrimps, don’t forget to eliminate the shells as they tend to cause obstructions in small canines. And since we’re talking about cooked shrimps, let’s move on to the next section.
Can My Dog Eat Cooked Prawns?

Photo credit: furrytips.com
It is safe for you to feed your dog cooked shrimps. The harmful pathogens get eliminated when you cook this particular seafood item. So it’s important to prepare it properly. Cooking it all the way through should be a priority if you want to feed your dog cooked shrimps.
Even ready-cooked shrimp that you usually purchase is not a bad idea for dogs.
What About Boiled Shrimps?
Steamed or boiled shrimps are considered to be the best options for dogs. The way to go about it is to stream or boil them until they become firm and lose the pink color. The amount of time depends on the shrimp’s size.
Now here’s something you need to know. Whatever you do, don’t add spices or salt to the shrimps. As a pet owner, you already know how salt and spices don’t agree with your dog’s sensitive tummy.
Dog Shrimp Allergy Symptoms
It’s not a rule of thumb that all dogs enjoy shrimp. Some might be allergic to seafood. The thing about canines is that they tend to develop certain kinds of food allergies. And a few dogs are even allergic or incredibly sensitive to particular foods due to genetic predisposition.
Here’s a piece of good news. Food only amounts to 10 percent of allergies that develop in a dog. Nevertheless, it’s always a better idea to limit the consumption of shrimps to avoid allergic complications.
And if your dog is extremely sensitive or allergic to particular types of foods, it’s best to keep shrimps away.
How Much Is Too Much?

Photo credit: ultimatehomelife.com
Moderation is the answer to everything, isn’t it? Whenever you think of adding a new treat or food item to your dog’s daily diet, keep moderation in mind. Not all dogs have a tummy that agrees with shrimp. They all react differently when it comes to food.
So start off by adding a small amount of shrimp to your pet’s diet. You can even talk to the vet about it before taking this step. Professional advice on such matters is always an excellent idea.
You should keep in mind that symptoms such as intestinal discomfort are a warning sign. It means that you need to stop feeding your dog shrimps.
Don’t wait for the illness or condition to get worse because not all dogs are destined to savor shrimps as humans do!
The Summary
When a dog has a digestive system that doesn’t give rise to any allergic reactions, it means bring on those shrimps! But don’t forget to limit the consumption. Feeding your pet shrimps 3-4 times per week is advisable.
The shrimps should be steamed, boiled, or wholly cooked without salt or spices. And eliminate the shell, tail, and head before feeding the shrimp to your dog.
Once you’ve made this particular seafood item a part of your canine’s diet, look for any possible food allergies. If you spot any, then no more shrimps.
And in the end, take your dog to the vet if the condition doesn’t subside in a day.
So tell me, have you ever fed shrimps to your dog? What kind of allergic symptoms did he or she develop, if there were any?
Please leave your thoughts and comments in the section below. If there’s anything that you think we need to know, don’t forget to share it with us here. The more information we have, the better decisions we shall make for our pets.
I hope the content of the article was useful and informative. There’s a lot more that you will find on my website. So please don’t forget to browse and share!
Thank you for reading. Have a great day!
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Hey there, I’m Ruby Smith, founder of Pet So Fun, and I’m here to provide you with useful information about your precious pet. All pets deserve the best care, don’t they? But not all pet owners have access to the right products and tips for their pets. And the central core of my work here is to change that.